For our friends who have sensory processing difficulties, we offer samples to touch + feel our products before you buy. Complete our form here and we will send these out to you ASAP.
For our friends who have sensory processing difficulties, we offer samples to touch + feel our products before you buy. Complete our form here and we will send these out to you ASAP.
Supporting exhausted parents since 2017
We needed non-toxic, no-plastic sheet protectors that were as stylish and comfortable as they were safe and absorbent. We couldn’t find them so we created our own. We’ve changed the game for those middle-of-the-night accidents so you never need to strip the bed at midnight again. Welcome to The Gang!
Journeying through parenthood together

Tips for managing bed wetting in multiple children- 6 steps for success
Managing bed wetting in multiple children can be challenging. This blog will offer strategies for handling bed wetting in different age groups, including using bed wetting alarms, setting individual routines...

How to talk to your child about bedwetting without causing shame
It's important to approach the topic of bed wetting with sensitivity. This blog will provide tips on having constructive and supportive conversations with your child about bed wetting, emphasising the...