Tips for managing bed wetting in multiple children- 6 steps for success
Managing bed wetting in multiple children can be challenging. This blog will offer strategies for handling bed wetting in different age groups, including using bed wetting alarms, setting individual routines...
How to talk to your child about bedwetting without causing shame
It's important to approach the topic of bed wetting with sensitivity. This blog will provide tips on having constructive and supportive conversations with your child about bed wetting, emphasising the...
10 tips for creating a calm and relaxing bedtime atmosphere
A restful night's sleep is essential for your overall health and well-being, even more so around the end of year holiday period. Yet, many of us find it difficult to...
How to create a bedtime routine that supports dry nights- 6 top tips for success
Creating a bedtime routine that supports dry nights can help your child (and you) sleep more soundly, while also encouraging healthier bathroom habits. Here’s how you can establish a bedtime...
Do bed wetting alarms work? The 3 benefits of bed wetting alarms
Bedwetting alarms have emerged as a popular solution to night-time bed wetting in children, but do they really work? This blogs explains how bed wetting alarms work and 3 benefits...
Managing night-time nursing: essentials for a restful night
Night-time nursing can be challenging, but having the right tools can make all the difference. With waterproof bed linen to keep things comfortable and wearable breast pumps that offer hands-free convenience, your nights can...
The emotional impact of bedwetting on parents
When a child or teenager is wetting the bed regularly, the whole family can often feel the impact. While we typically focus on practical tips and strategies to achieve dry...
#HackTheHolidays - Top 6 Products to Make Any Holiday Enjoyable
As December fast approaches, there is one thing on all of ours minds…Summer Holidays! It’s one of the perks of living in Australia during Christmas. Our long and warm holidays....
Helping Children Cope with Medical Anxiety
Not many people enjoy going to the doctor, and this feeling is magnified if we require an uncomfortable or painful procedure. For children these feelings are exacerbated by the added...
Top Tips for Dealing with School Camps When Your Child Wets the Bed
One of the best memories a child has of school is often the school camps. However this is often not the case for a child who still wets the bed. Here...
4 Top Tips to Help our Children Deal with Separation Anxiety
It's no secret that we're living in the most anxiety ridden time in history (thanks smart phones and the internet!!) So it's no wonder our kids have to deal with a...
The Top 4 Messy Hacks for Parents
Parenting small children is messy work! Mess just comes with the territory. But it doesn't have to cause you stress and loads of extra cleaning. Here are four of the...